Peter Razzell


I have included in this website all my writings and publications since my first publication in 1963. I have listed them in sequence, including when published and the source of the publication.

1963Social Origins of Officers in the Indian and British Home Army, 1758-1962British Journal of SociologyDownload
1965Edward Jenner: The History of a Medical MythMedical HistoryDownload
1965Population Change in Eighteenth-Century England. A ReinterpretationThe Economic History ReviewDownload
1967Population Growth and Economic Change in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century England and IrelandIn E.L. Jones and G.E. Mingay (eds), Land, Labour and Population in the Industrial RevolutionDownload
1970Statistics and English Historical SociologyIn R.M. Hartwell (ed), The Industrial RevolutionDownload
1973Introduction to the Victorian Working ClassDownload
1975The Pools Winners [Jointly with Stephen Smith]Download
1977Edward Jenner’s Cowpox Vaccine: The History of a Medical MythDownload
1977The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: a Natural Scientific CritiqueBritish Journal of SociologyDownload
1979Introduction to The History of MyddleDownload
1980Introduction to Henry Mayhew’s Morning Chronicle’s Survey of Labour and the Poor: The Metropolitan DistrictsDownload
1990William Shakespeare: the Anatomy of an EnigmaDownload
1990The Problem of Determinism: a Sociological SolutionDownload
1993The Growth of Population in Eighteenth Century England: a Critical ReappraisalJournal of Economic HistoryDownload
1994Essays in English Population HistoryDownload
1995Should Remaining Stocks of Smallpox Virus be Destroyed?Social History of MedicineDownload
1998The Origins of Vaccinia Virus: A Brief RejoinderSocial History of MedicineDownload
1998Did Smallpox Reduce Height?Economic History ReviewDownload
2001Social Class, Infant Development and Adult Disease MortalityDownload
2001Did Smallpox Reduce Height? A Final CommentEconomic History ReviewDownload
2002Poverty, Inequality and Health in BritainInternational Journal of EpidemiologyDownload
2003The Conquest of SmallpoxDownload
2003Socio-Economic Status and Social Class in Ipswich, 1872-1910Download
2004Poverty or Disease Environment? The History of Mortality in England, 1500-1900 [Jointly with Christine Spence]In M. Breschi and L. Pozzi (eds), The Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Past European PopulationsDownload
2004Poverty, Birth Weight and Infant Weight Gain in Hertfordshire, 1923-1939 [Jointly with Christine Spence and Karen Vine]International Journal of EpidemiologyDownload
2005Social Capital and the History of Mortality in Britain [Jointly with Christine Spence]International Journal of EpidemiologyDownload
2006The Hazards of Wealth: Adult Mortality in Pre-Twentieth Century England [Jointly with Christine Spence]Social History of MedicineDownload
2006Discussion of Social Capital and the History of Mortality in Britain [Jointly with Christine Spence]International Journal of EpidemiologyDownload
2006The Sociological Study of Fertility and Mortality in Ipswich, 1872-1882 [Jointly with Eilidh Garrett and Ros Davies]Report to the Economic and Social Research CouncilDownload
2006Review of J. Riley, Poverty and Life Expectancy in Jamaica, 2016Economics and Human BiologyDownload
2007Population and Disease: Transforming English Society, 1550-1850Download
2007The History of Infant, Child and Adult Mortality in London, 1538-1850 [Jointly with Christine Spence]The London JournalDownload
2010The Evaluation of Bedfordshire Burial Registration [Jointly with Christine Spence and Matthew Woollard]Local Population StudiesDownload
2011Living Same-Name Siblings in England, 1439-1851Local Population StudiesDownload
2011Sociological Study of Fertility and Mortality in Ipswich, 1872-1910 [Jointly with Eilidh Garrett and Ros Davies]Report to the Economic and Social CouncilDownload
2011Infant Mortality in London, 1538-1850: a Methodological StudyLondon JournalDownload
2011Living Same-Name Siblings and English Historical Demography: a CommentaryLocal Population StudiesDownload
2011The Decline of Adult Smallpox in Eighteenth Century London: a CommentaryEconomic History ReviewDownload
2012Socio-Economic Status and Adult Mortality in England: a Historical Study. 1880-1891 [Written Jointly with Emily Grundy]Download
2015Rateable Value as a Historical Measure of Socio-Economic StatusDownload
2015The Historical Socio-Economic Classification of Occupations through Measures of Rateable ValueDownload
2016Urban Inoculation and the Decline of Smallpox in Eighteenth Century CitiesDownload
2016Inoculation and the Decline of Smallpox Mortality in London during the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth CenturiesEconomic History ReviewDownload
2016New Preface to William Shakespeare: the Anatomy of an EnigmaDownload
2016Mortality, Marriage and Population Growth in England, 1550-1850Download
2017Asian Population Growth and the Increase of Socio-Economic Inequality in BritainDownload
2017English Population Growth in the Eighteenth CenturyDownload
2018Population Growth and the Increase of Socio-Economic Inequality in BritainDownload
2019Malthus: Mortality or Marriage? English Population Growth in the Eighteenth CenturyDownload
2019The Geography of Smallpox in England before Vaccination: a Conundrum CompoundedDownload
2019The Puritan Tradition in Southwold, Suffolk in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth CenturiesDownload
2021A Sociological Analysis of the English Civil WarDownload
2021Max Weber and Environmental DeterminismDownload
2021Essays in Historical SociologyDownload
2023Review of Gavin Weightman’s The Great InoculatorSocial History of MedicineDownload
2023Covid 19, Possible Lessons from the History of Variolation and Vaccination against Smallpox: A Brief NoteDownload
2024Shakespeare’s Biography: a Conundrum ResolvedDownload
2024Population Growth and the Development of CapitalismDownload
2024Introduction to my Personal WebsiteDownload
2024Same-Name Methodology and the Measurement of the Reliability of Parish RegistrationDownload
2024The Life of Shakespeare: a Critical EvaluationDownload
2024The Potential Danger of Monkey PoxDownload
2024The Origins of the Long Parliament in the English Civil WarDownload

I graduated with a degree in social science from Birmingham University in 1961, specializing in sociology. My first publication – The Social Origins of Army Officers – was based on research carried out at Chicago University, and laid the foundation for much of my subsequent work. I had found that there was a significant increase in the number of gentry and aristocratic officers entering the British army during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. This appeared to be linked to a major growth in life expectancy among these groups from the mid-eighteenth century onwards.
This raised the question of why mortality had reduced among the wealthy, and led me to explore the role of smallpox inoculation, which formed the basis of my Ph.D. thesis. However, subsequent research indicated that inoculation could only be one of the reasons for the reduction in the death rate, as new evidence revealed that there was major fall in adult mortality in England – approximately halving between the beginning and end of the eighteenth century – well before the widespread practice of inoculation. Given that the fall in the number of deaths occurred among all socio-economic groups in all areas of the country, this suggested that there had been an autonomous reduction in overall disease virulence.
Nevertheless, there is evidence that case fatality rates of one disease – smallpox – increased very significantly during the period between the sixteenth and the nineteenth century. For example, less than five per cent of children died from the disease in London during the sixteenth century, whereas by the end of the nineteenth this had increased to nearly forty-five per cent among children unprotected by vaccination. However, the pattern of smallpox mortality is very complex: it was a disease of both adults and children in the south of England, but affected only young children in the north. Case fatality rates were much higher among very young children and elderly adults, making it difficult to assess overall mortality. Inoculation was practised much more widely in the south of England than in the north, probably as a result of panic responses from adults who were affected by the disease.
This website also includes specific studies of smallpox, such as its impact on average height, as well as the reduction of adult smallpox mortality in London during the late eighteenth century. Additionally, I have published evidence to show that Jenner’s vaccination was a more attenuated form of the old inoculation, a topic requiring very detailed and complex research.
My subsequent work indicated that overall infant and child mortality fell from the mid-eighteenth century onwards, first among the wealthy and only later among the general population. This was probably the result of a number of factors: the practice of smallpox inoculation, better personal hygiene and improved environmental and midwifery practices. However, by the late nineteenth century there appears to have been little or no social gradient in infant mortality, although it did exist among young children. Additionally, there is limited evidence to suggest that there was a similar lack of a class gradient amongst adults in the 1880s, although such gradients did emerge in the twentieth century both for infants and adults.
My research on the Hertfordshire Health Visitors Register used by Barker in his work on his ‘fetal origins’ hypothesis indicates that there was no correlation between poverty and birth weight in the 1920s and 1930s, although there was a strong association between poverty and weight gain in the first year of life.
Although Malthus in his theoretical writings emphasized the impact of economic changes on fertility levels, in his empirical work on England he concluded that the prime reason for England’s population growth in the eighteenth and early nineteenth century was a reduction in mortality, due to a decline in infectious diseases and improved personal and public hygiene.
My research has largely confirmed Malthus’s empirical conclusions, although the pattern of mortality and fertility change appears to be more complex than was previously envisaged. The age of marriage of women in England in the first half of the eighteenth century was significantly higher amongst poor labourers than amongst the wealthy, but this changed radically after the middle of the century. The aristocracy, gentry and other wealthy groups began to marry much later, and the poor much earlier, so that by the end of the nineteenth century there was a marked socio-economic gradient in marriage ages.
Research using a number of different sources indicates that marriage in England was nearly universal during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. However, the proportion of women marrying declined significantly in the eighteenth century onwards. This was linked to socio-economic status and the growth of literacy, which had an impact on fertility levels. By the early nineteenth century fertility was much higher amongst the poor than the wealthy, indicating that the fertility transition first took place amongst the wealthy in the eighteenth century.
These marriage patterns were probably largely the result of the mortality changes summarized above. The wealthy no longer had to marry very early and so frequently because of the significant reduction in mortality, whereas the number of labourers had increased as a result of growing life expectancy, resulting in a surplus of labour and increased poverty and pauperization. Malthus described in his empirical work the need for an improved living standard for labourers in order to achieve the higher aspirations and literacy necessary for the reduction of early marriage.
I have explored in detail the population history of England, focussing on the reliability of parish register data. Historical demography like other social sciences – including economic history – became increasingly focussed from the 1960s onwards on the use of mathematical models. My research led me to conclude that these models were flawed because of the unrealistic assumptions that they made about key variables, and that the only way to address this problem was to adopt a strategy of methodological triangulation. This was the main method used for evaluating parish register reliability. It was also used to address the problem of measuring socio-economic status: there are several papers on the website that deal with this issue by comparing occupational classifications of individual families with the number of domestic servants, the rateable value of households and the use of private/public doctors.
I accepted that social science was a part of the natural sciences – see my papers on The Problem of Determinism and Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic on this website – but there needed to be a rigorous examination of the reliability of all variables when attempting to explain historical phenomena.
My research indicates that mortality rather than fertility was the key variable for explaining population change, and that this was fuelled by shifts in disease patterns rather than variations in per capita consumption of food. This led to the conclusion that population was largely an autonomous variable in economic and social development, a theme explored in a number of the publications and writings on this website.
This conclusion has radical implications for the study of both economic and social history. A well-documented example is the impact of plague on medieval society. The shortage of labour in the fourteenth century forced up wages, and the attempt of the government to restrain wages was probably a major factor in the peasant’s revolt during that period.
The role of surplus labour in the growth of capitalism has long been recognized, but this was seen by Marx and others as a result of economic development. By contrast, the demographic creation of labour surpluses through population growth played a key role in capitalist development in England during the seventeenth and the nineteenth centuries. These were periods when an excess of labour drove down wages and increased prices and the wealth of the owners of capital, creating both an increase in socio-economic inequality and political change.
A number of papers on this website address this theme. During the late sixteenth and first half of the seventeenth century population had grown largely as a result of the gradual disappearance of plague. This led to increasing property prices due to increased demand for food and other consumer goods. There was a marked rise in the wealth of yeomen farmers at this time, and along with tradesmen they became increasingly literate. These groups formed the backbone of Cromwell’s New Model Army, playing a major role in the English civil war.
Traditionally England had not relied on a standing army, but used the navy as the chief form of defence against external attacks. This was possible because of its geographical position as an island, which had a major impact on its economic and social history. On the continent of Europe, standing armies had developed because of the threat of land based attacks, which strengthened authoritarian regimes and the power of monarchies. English kings relied on militias, which resulted in a limited ability to impose taxes and control the economy. As a result, a culture of individualism grew up, particularly in areas outside the manorial control of the aristocracy and gentry.
My book on Shakespeare can also be seen in the context of these developments. Shakespeare participated in some of the economic activities of his father, who exploited current economic conditions in the late sixteenth century by illegally practising money lending, the sale of wool, and the hoarding of grain. Such traders were a part of a sophisticated group of independent merchants who travelled widely throughout England, putting on plays in inns and other venues and providing the cultural background for the writing of Shakespeare’s plays.
The later period of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century saw changes in access to elite occupations and the increasing pauperization of labourers as a result of population growth. This resulted in the growth of inequality and political radicalism during the French revolutionary period.
I have also presented evidence to show that current world population developments in Asia have had a major impact on economic and political conditions in England, Europe and the United States. Mortality fell sharply in China and elsewhere in Asia in spite of famines from the 1970s onwards, mainly because of the application of modern medicine and the growth of improved personal and public hygiene. This resulted in an explosion of population, which provided the basis for surplus labour, exploited by Asian companies to manufacture cheap goods and export them to European and American countries. That has led to the erosion of manufacturing industries in these countries, resulting in economic inequality and the rise of populism in rustbelt areas.
Demography has been seen traditionally by economists and other social scientists as a function of economics, but this website presents detailed evidence to show that it has acted as an independent force largely through changes in disease patterns, helping to shape the world’s economic and social development.

Peter Razzell